I work with visionary leaders like you who are serious about changing services to improve outcomes for people.
I work with visionary leaders like you who are serious about changing services to improve outcomes for people.
Of course you’ll want change to sustain and become part of “how we do things around here”. Organisational expectations and routines send strong messages about what matters and have a big impact on where people put their attention and effort.
To keep a focus on the changes that you’ve implemented, you may need to change up the routines you have in place.
My distinct 360 radar, built from diverse experience of delivering change across different professional perspectives and in different organisational spaces, can help you become more conscious of how your current routines are driving behaviours and what you can do to change them:
What are you measuring and what questions are you asking? Create positive performance management and quality assurance approaches so you measure what matters and understand the ongoing impact of change
Want an empowered workforce but only a few people can actually take decisions? Ensure decision making aligns with the new culture you’re building
Want innovation and creativity to become part of the lifeblood of your workforce? Create new learning habits to get better everyday
How do you know what’s really going on? Workaday ways to connect to front line delivery