Lessons in Learning Experiment - mid way reflections

Lessons in Learning Experiment - mid way reflections

I believe that one of the most important things leaders need to be able to do is to create environments where people learn, everyday and always.  Environments where people feel empowered and enabled to take responsibility for their own learning and to try new ways of doing things.  We shouldn’t expect leaders to instinctively know how to do this - we have to help them to learn how.  That’s exactly what I’m exploring in my new bi-monthly blog series “Lessons in Learning”.

As part of my Lessons in Learning series I’m doing an experiment. I’ve committed to capture my learning every day for a month to see what I discover and how that helps leaders to understand how to create learning cultures where people learn as part of what they do every day.

I’m half way through my experiment so thought it timely to take a step back and discover what I’ve learned so far.

Lessons in Learning - what I learned from my experiment

Lessons in Learning - what I learned from my experiment

Lessons in Learning 2:  What does a learning culture look like?

Lessons in Learning 2: What does a learning culture look like?